For Boeing B707-320

- Make certain that both airconditioning packs and
both turbocompressors are operative (See MEL).
- Open the aft galley door to improve ventilation.
- Have two ground airconditioning carts plugged
into the alrplane during bading, one connected
to the normal airplane receptacle, the other
ducted through the aft galley doorway. Teil
maintenance personnel to leave the ground
alrconditioning cart connected to the normal
receptacle until the doors are closed and all
engines are running.
- Extra fans may be installed throughout the main
cargo deck (recommended by IATA for summer
operation in warm dimates). Information regarding
the fan installation and location of power sources
and controls will be included in the file folder
or attached to the Dispatch Release papers.

- Before starting engines, plan minimum ground
time from engine start to takeoft by checking for
any taxi, ATC, or takeoff delays.

- start ciearance is received, coordinate with
ground personnel and start all four engines.
- Turn off all main cabin lights.

- Leave the GRD START selector in LOW PRESS after
all engines have been started to provide increased
turbocompressor output during ground operation.
- Use both airconditioning packs and both turbo-
com pressors.
- Keep temperature selectors in MANUAL.
- Hold main cabin temperature selector to WARMER
forl5 seconds.
- When practical, use No. 2 and No. 3 engine
power during taxi for increased ventilation.
- Taxi as smoothly as possible; remember that the
cattie are stand ing in stacked pens.
- Brake gently when stopping for STAN check.
- Ciose guard on GRD START switch to 0FF.
- Use both turbocompressors for takeoff.
- Position the main cabin temperature valve to 1/8
of the scale above full cold to improve cabin
ventilation during takeoff.
- On airplanes with a pneumatic pressure control
System, select 2,000 ft above field elevation on
the cabin pressure controller and allow the cabin
to climb at the maximum rate.
- On airplanes with the electropneumatic pressure
control system, use normal procedures but
increase the rate after takeoff to 1,000 fpm.

- Upon reaching 2,000 ft, select cabin altitude of
5,000 ft and a 700 fpm rate of climb.
- Modulate tile mix valve until the duct rumbles
(which indicates highest, coolest airflow).
- Maintain a 600 F duct temperature (500 F is
- Add engine bleeds, 1 and 4, for maximum airflow
(limited by green band on the INCHES OF
WATER gage>. Remember, at bw altitudes
(below 20,000 ft> with climb power, the bleeds
produce a very high unregulated airflow.

- Leave gasper fan and aft cabin fans (if installed>
on for improveci circulation.
- Be alert for condensation buildup along the
ceiling area. This may be indicated in the smoke
deteetor. If such a condition exists, attempt to
lower the temperature and increase the airflow,
or consider a lower altitude if condition cannot
be controlled.
- Advise inbound station of your ETA, that ground
airconditioning is a priority item, and that the
rear galley door must be opened.
- Start decreasing cabin temperature before
If an airconditioning pack or
turbocompressor fails and cooling is
required but can't be maintainecf, consider
descent while maintaining a cabin altitude
of 7,000 ft to provide maximum airflow.
Consider proceeding to the nearest airport
that can provide the facilities and services
required. Notify the ground handling
agent of the need for two ground cooling
carts and equipment to off-load pallets

- Plan, when practical, to maintain power on No. 2
and No. 3 engines for cooling during descent.
- Set BLEED AIR switches to 0FF as required,
but maintain maximum airflow.
- SIOWIy reduce cabin altitude to 2,000 ft.
- Hold cabin altitude at 2,000 ft during approach

- Allow the cabin to deseend with the airplane
while on approach.
- Try to keep power on No. 2 and No. 3 engines
during approach.

- Position the cabin altitude selector to 250 ft
below field elevation before landing.

- Set GRD START switch to LOW PRESS after
- Keep TEMP VALVE positioned to 1/8 of the
scale above full cold for maximum airflow.
- Maintain power on No. 2 and No. 3 engines as
conditions permit.
- Keep cooling the airplane at the blocks until
ground airconditioning is plugged in or until the
doors are opened, then shut down the
turbocompressors and airconditioning packs.
- Have the aft gailey door opened as soon as
possible, and if available, have additional
airconditioning ducted through the doorway.
- After recording final temperature reading at
blocks, deliver the Weight and Balance form to
the Operations representative.

